Contacting the KLS Central Intake Line

KLS Central Intake Line
Phones are answered
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
Best times to call
If you call before 9 a.m. or between 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m., you will have the shortest waiting time.
Before You Call
Is your problem a civil legal problem? Our Central Intake Unit will help you find out if there are free or low cost options for you.
- For example, we have no free service for criminal or traffic issues.
- There is never a cost to call, however, to see what low cost options might be offered for your unique situation.
Don’t wait to call
Many legal problems are made worse when people delay getting help. It is also easier for lawyers to prepare any necessary documents the more time you give them.
Get your documents and facts together before you call
The services on hand vary widely based on each caller's unique situation. The more specific and correct the info you can give, the more we will be able to give the best guidance possible.
Examples of common civil legal problems
- Guardianships;
- Powers of Attorney;
- Wills;
- Orders of Protection;
- Domestic Abuse;
- Divorce, Custody, Paternity issues;
- Landlord/Tenant disputes;
- Housing disputes such as Eviction and Foreclosure;
- Contract disputes;
- Debt relief, Collection issues;
- Consumer matters;
- Disability rights;
- Employment rights;
- Problems with public benefits, including Medicaid, Food Stamps, Medicare, SSI, child care, and subsidized housing;
- End of life instructions;
- Expungement of Criminal Records;and
- Garnishments.
What to expect
If all Intake Specialists are busy, you may have to hold, or hang up and call back.
- The best time to call Central Intake is early morning.
Please consider filling out our Online Application if you don't have time to wait on hold. Go to Online Application.
You will be asked about your income and assets.
- Please be prepared to share all household income and asset data when you call.
- This information will help the Intake Specialist decide what services might be open to you.
Next your Intake Specialist will ask you to describe your problem or question in detail. He or she may ask you questions to gain a better grasp of your situation.
Your Intake Specialist will decide how best to assist you. Depending on your unique case, here’s what you might expect:
- More detailed information sent to you by mail
- Brief service (e.g., filing a form)
- Referral to a staff or volunteer attorney for legal representation.
- Referrals to other services
Get the most from your call
Call when you won’t be distracted. You will get the most out of the call if the TV is turned off and the children are safely somewhere else so you can focus.
Allow enough time
Your Intake Specialist will give you as much time as your problem requires.
Avoid calling from a cell phone, if possible
If you are cut off, you may have to answer the same questions again.
Have your documents in front of you
Your Intake Specialist cannot give you guidance without complete information.
Have a pen and paper handy when you call
Your Intake Specialist may give you instructions over the telephone. It’s a good idea to be able to jot down reminders as you go.
Ask questions and repeat instructions
Don’t hesitate to ask questions and repeat instructions so you will know what to do later.
Follow instructions
Your Intake Specialist may explain how to do something.
- If you don’t follow the instructions as given, it isn’t likely that you will get the outcome you desire.
You may not get the outcome you want.
- Sometimes services are limited, even when help is greatly needed.
- Your Intake Specialist wants to help and will do his or her best to offer options.
► Please be sensitive and respectful if the services in your unique situation might be limited.