Expungement and Driver's License Restoration Clinics in Kansas in 2025
Expungement and Driver's License Clinics will be held in many locations. Watch this space to see the schedule of the clinics - dates, times and locations.
Other counties in the state will be hosts to clinics.
Clinic dates, locations and times will always be listed on this webpage so check back often to see new clinics scheduled.
You must register for this event.
⮚ To Apply - Call Kansas Legal Services 1-316-267-3975
⮚ Or email klsprobono@klsinc.org

You must register for this event.
⮚ To Apply - Call Kansas Legal Services 1-316-267-3975
⮚ Or email klsprobono@klsinc.org
You must register for this event.
⮚ To Apply - Call Kansas Legal Services 1-316-267-3975
⮚ Or email klsprobono@klsinc.org
Learn more about the expungement process in Kansas.
Persons Who Need their Records Cleared through Expungement:
- If you are a Kansan who needs their record cleared, please apply for help through this link, or email klsprobono@klsinc.org.
- You must pre-register for each clinic
- Walk-ins not guaranteed to get an appointment.
Materials needed at appointment: An ID, documents from the courts or the state in reference to your criminal offenses to be cleared.
Learn more about the suspended driver's license reinstatement process in Kansas.
The clinics are made possible by Kansas Legal Services, Legal Services Corporation Pro Bono Innovation Fund, Kansas Bar Foundation, Kansas Office of Judicial Administration,T-Mobile and Koch Industries.