Free Legal Forms Warning
- If possible, you should always talk to an attorney for help with your legal issues.
- The tools and help you get from these interactive court forms are not a substitute for legal advice.
- The laws and court rules are complex.
- Following instructions and using the forms provided to you will not secure a positive result.
- It is always wise to talk to a lawyer about your problem before continuing on your own.
Options other than Self Help (pro se):
- If you are a low-income Kansan with a civil legal problem then you may qualify for free legal help.
- You may contact Kansas Legal Services at 316-267-3975 or complete an online application. Click here to complete an online application.
- If you cannot afford to hire an attorney to represent you, you may be able to pay a lawyer to give you advice and review your paperwork for a lesser cost.
- Limited scope representation allows you to select the services you wish to pay an attorney to assist with and which you wish to do yourself.
Click here to see instructions for having a KLS lawyer review your document for you.
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