The Disability Rights Center of Kansas - Client Assistance Program has resources to help people with disabilities get a job. Go here.
While certain federal statutes require schools to provide students with assistance up to high school graduation, there are fewer requirements for colleges and universities. This brochure talks about the transition needed from high school to college or directly into the workforce. There is help available, but you must begin planning for the future and find programs to assist in achieving your goals.
This site give contact information for independent living assistance in many areas of Kansas. The Centers for Independent Living vision is an inclusive community which would enable Kansans to live in the environment of their choice.
Welcome to SILCK
Accessibility and assistance in HUD housing.
The Disability Rights Center of Kansas (DRC), formerly Kansas Advocacy & Protective Services (KAPS), is a public interest legal advocacy agency empowered by federal law to advocate for the civil and legal rights of Kansans with disabilities. DRC is the Official Protection and Advocacy System for Kansas and is a part of the national network of federally mandated and funded protection and advocacy systems.
Grievance procedure when you believe your rights have been violated
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LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions.